Monday 29 June 2015

Are You A Candidate For Perineoplasty?

Post childbirth, many women experience loss of muscle tone, torn or improperly healed muscles and scar tissue, in the muscular / vaginal canal, leading to the exterior, in a woman’s body. This causes:
  • Loss of sexual sensation which could lead to psychological issues, consequently impacting sexual satisfaction
  • Laxity and looseness of the vaginal canal 
Perineoplasty (also referred to as perineorraphy) is a minor surgical procedure that restores the muscle tone and tightens the perineum. Therefore, this procedure should be undergone, only once a decision has been made to bear no more children, or else laxity will occur once again, post another birth. Weak vaginal walls impaired by childbirth, cannot be remedied by Perineoplasty.

About the Procedure
  • This is an outpatient surgical procedure
  • Is performed under mild sedation
  • Duration of the procedure is usually under an hour
  • A V-shaped incision is made in the posterior wall of the vagina, with a fractional CO2 pixel laser or an ElimanSurgitron (uses radiofrequency). Existing scar tissue is removed and the bottom layer of the muscles and tissue, are toned and tightened
  • The incision is sutured with soluble sutures
Consult with your gynecologist for more details on the nature of the procedure and the expected results.

How Long Will Recovery Take?
  • As with any surgical procedure, the body will need time to heal
  • Painkillers will be prescribed to overcome any pain or discomfort that may be experienced
  • Soaking in warm water and Sitz baths, a few times a day, will help to ease any discomfort
  • Post-surgery, during the first week, activities are limited, due to post procedure swelling and tenderness
  • Vigorous physical activity can normally be resumed after about two weeks or when there is no discomfort. The time varies from patient to patient. Women involved in sedentary office work, will normally be able to return to work, after a week. If your occupation involves any physical activities your doctor will be able to advise you, when you may be able to resume work
  • Abstinence from sexual activity for about six weeks is normally advised
  • Regular and ongoing kegel exercise is recommended to enhance the functioning of the vaginal walls 

What Are The Risks?

There will only be, the normal risks of bleeding, infection, bruising and temporary scarring that accompany all surgical procedures. Your surgeon will brief you about any possible issues and how they will be dealt with, if they should occur.

Do you qualify for a Perineoplasty Procedure?

Yes, you will, if you:
  • Have had a normal delivery (given birth vaginally)
  • Are experiencing looseness or itching in your vaginal canal
  • Are experiencing decreased sexual sensation
  • Have any changes in your bowel habits

Women need not necessarily have experienced childbirth to have vaginal flatus or decreased sexual satisfaction. Excess weight and the pressure, can sometimes overstretch and damage the structure of the perineum, leading to a feeling of looseness and laxity.