Thursday, 26 March 2015

Novasure Endometrial Ablation – A Simple Solution to Heavy Periods

It is estimated that about 20% of women suffer from heavy and painful periods. Heavy bleeding does not mean that there is a medical condition that requires treatment. However, the effects on a woman’s lifestyle can be devastating.  The pain and discomfort are bad enough; what is often worse is the interruption to everyday life and feeling of isolation during those days. There is now a simple, quick and permanent solution to this problem – one that does not involve on going medication and unwanted hormonal side effects. It is called Novasure Endometrial Ablation.

What is Novasure Endometrial Ablation?

About 10 million women in America suffer from heavy menstrual bleeding. In many cases the problem begins in their 30s or 40s, as the approach menopause, but it can begin much earlier. Novasure Endometrial Ablation is a safe simple procedure that can stop heavy bleeding without side effects. It has been proven to be effective for 90% of the women who have opted for it. If you are a premenopausal woman suffering from heavy periods and are past the age of child bearing or have taken a decision not to have any more children, Novasure Endometrial Ablation may be right for you. Novasure is not sterilization so the decision not to have children must be a firm one as getting pregnant after the procedure can be dangerous. It is also not recommended for those who may have uterine cancer, a pelvic or urinary infection, an IUD or a metal uterine implant. 

If these are not issues that concern or affect you, Novasure Endometrial Ablation offers a quick solution that can be completed in 5 minutes in a doctor’s office. No general anesthesia is required and in most cases patients experience mild or no pain during and after the procedure. A women can typically return to normal activities a day or two after the procedure.

Heavy bleeding is caused by the endometrium (the lining or coating of the uterus). The Novasure Endometrial Ablation procedure works by removing the endometrium in a quick and effective manner. During the procedure your doctor will open the cervix slightly and insert a slender wand specially designed for the Novasure process. Once inserted the wand will extend a triangular mesh device into the uterus. The mesh will expand to accurately fit the exact size and shape of the uterus. The mesh is then used to deliver precisely measured radio frequency energy for a period of 90 seconds. The mesh then retracts into the wand which is removed from the uterus. That is all there is to it. No incisions are made and no other procedure is required.

After The Procedure

There may be some minor discomfort or nausea after the procedure. In some cases there may be mild pain, cramping and bloody or watery discharge. These are all normal and no cause for worry. Your doctor will brief you about any possible post procedure issues and if required, prescribe medication to deal with them. In general, there is no reason why you should not be able to resume your normal life within a day or two days, knowing that you are free from the pain and discomfort you have been suffering from and that heavy periods will no longer interrupt your life . Many women report that after they have undergone Novasure Endometrial Ablation they find that their energy levels have improved and that their PMS issues are greatly reduced.

Is It For You?

Every woman’s body is different. The right way to know if Novasure Endometrial Ablation is the correct solution to your heavy period problems is to consult a medical practitioner who specializes in women’s health issues and who is familiar with and offers Novasure Endometrial Ablation as a standard service. While Novasure Endometrial Ablation is the best solution for heavy period problems for most women, if for any reason, it is not for you, the doctor will advise you of other suitable alternatives.

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