Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Skin Rejuvenation with DermaFrac

Your skin is made up of 3 layers – the Epidermis which is a tough outer layer, the Dermis which is the thick inner layer and the Subcutaneous, which is the inner most layer. As the skin ages and the effects of sun, wind and pollution accumulate, the Epidermis losses its freshness and suppleness. The Dermis begins to lose its resilience and elasticity, leading to the development of wrinkles. And the Subcutaneous layer loses tissue which causes the skin to sag and makes the wrinkles more pronounced. DermaFrac is a hand held device that is used to repair the damage to the skin and help it to regain its glow and youthful appearance.

DermaFrac is a precision device that uses hundreds of micro-needles on a roller pad to deliver different serums under the skin to the junction between the Epidermis and Dermis. The micro channels it creates delivers the serum to where it is most effective in reducing the signs of age and skin damage. DermaFrac stands out from other procedures because it eliminates:

  • Heat issues and the expense and complications of laser treatments.
  • The need to deliver the serum separately into the skin.
  • The need for anesthesia during the procedure.
  • The risk to darker skin types that is often present with other treatments.

How It Works

DermaFrac is a non-surgical procedure that is almost painless and can be done in a doctor’s office. The device is loaded with up to 4 different topical solution or serums. The types and combination will depend on the nature of the condition being treated. As the device moves over the skin that is being treated, the micro-needles almost painlessly penetrate the skin to deliver the combination of serums / topical solutions to where they will be most effective. Depending on the severity of the problem, multiple treatments may be required.

What DermaFrac Can Treat

DermaFrac can be used to treat skin aging, pigmentation issues, wrinkles and fine lines, acne scarring, sun damage and open pores, and congested skin.

The Benefits

  • The procedure takes only 30 minutes and can be done in the doctor’s office.
  • There are no side effects, bleeding or no downtime so you can return to your normal activities immediately after the treatment. At the most, there may be some slight redness to the skin immediately after the procedure. This can be covered by mineral powder.
  • No post procedure medication is required.
  • Because it is so versatile, DermaFrac treatments can be combined with other procedures like microdermabrasion, skin peels and even more advanced procedures.

DermaFrac is a safe and proven skin rejuvenation procedure. There is a variety of skin rejuvenation and repair procedures available and you need to be sure that the one you go in for will give you the best results. Our licensed esthetician will be able to talk you through the procedure, answer all your questions and tell you what you should do to maintain the results of the DermaFrac procedure.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

What Is a Stem Cell Face Lift - Part 2

What Is the Recovery Time?

The recovery period after a stem cell facelift varies from patient to patient. What follows are only general time frames. Your recovery period may vary significantly from this. Your doctor will be able to tell you what kind of recovery you can expect. Most patients take a week to 2 weeks to recover from the procedure.  It depends on the extent of the procedure and your general health conditions.

  • During the first 2 or 3 days there will be some amount of swelling and redness of the skin. The look is similar to a case of bad sunburn.
  • Over days 4, 5 and 6 the surface skin can be expected to gradually begin shedding. The newly exposed skin will normally have a pink tinge of a light to medium hue.
  • From day 7 or 8 onwards, the condition of the skin will continually improve with the pink tingefading away. The contours of the face will become more clearly defined and it is at this time that mostpatients resume their normal work and social activities.
  • Over the following weeks any residual swelling will gradually disappear and the improvement in the skin volume and texture will become more noticeable. The definition of the facial contours will continue to improve.
  • Patients can usually resume their normal activities at home within a day or two of the procedure. If there is significant discomfort, your doctor will prescribe medication to alleviate it.

How Long Do the Results Last and is any Follow Up Required?

You can expect the results of a stem cell facelift to last anywhere from 2 to 4 years, although this can vary from person to person. No follow up is normally required. However, in some cases a second growth factor injection 4 or 5 months after the procedure may be recommended to support the ongoing stimulation of the transplanted cells.  This is a minor procedure that is done in the doctor’s office and there is no downtime, discoloration or bruising. Most women are able to walk out of the office and get back to their normal routines immediately. A topical DNA cream is typically prescribed for application on the face for 6 to 12 months after the procedure to optimize the regeneration of both the surface and subsurface skin.

Are You A Candidate?

The stem cell facelift is best for women looking for a nonsurgical facial rejuvenation procedure. It is also ideal for those who do not wish to “go under the knife” for any reason and those for whom the long recovery from a surgical facelift is not a viable option. It is also good for women who have had a previous surgical facelift and are looking for a more convenient option to make up for the signs of age that have occurred after the last procedure. If you are looking for facial rejuvenation without the typical signs of a surgical procedure, a stem cell facelift may be right for you.

To learn more about stem cell facelifts, what they can do for your appearance and if you are a good candidate, consult a board certified cosmetic surgeon. She will talk you through the procedure in detail, advise you about the results you can expect, answer all your questions and tell you if you are a good candidate, or if another rejuvenation procedure may be better for you.

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Vampire Breast Lift

What Is a Vampire Breast Lift?

Despite its name, the vampire breast lift is a safe, non-surgical procedure for breast augmentation that uses your own natural blood cells to improve the shape and appearance of your breasts and nipples. It does not increase the beast size the way an implant does. Instead it improves their shape and offers more volume at the top and a more pronounced cleavage. 

Who is it for?

The vampire breast lift is ideal for women who do not want an aggressive surgical procedure to change the shape of their breasts. It is also for those who are not able to take the time off from work that the recuperation from surgery will require. It is for you if you want a lasting solution to what a well-made and properly fitting bra offers – increased lift and cleavage.

How Is it done?

The entire procedure takes less than an hour and can be performed in your doctor’s office.
  • Blood is taken from your arm in the same way that a normal blood test is done. 
  • The collected blood is placed in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the red blood cells.
  • The collected platelets are added to a special solution which causes them to release growth factors.
  • If required, a small amount of injectable filler may be added to the mixture. 
  • A specific area on each breast is numbed and the solution is injected using a fine gauge needle.
That is all there is to it.


Q: What is the downtime after the procedure?

A: You can return home or go back to work immediately after the procedure is completed. There are no restrictions on normal activities.

Q: What are the side effects?

A: There may be slight irritation and / or itching. This will depend on the sensitivity of your skin. If required, your doctor will prescribe a topical medication to reduce any discomfort. In some cases there may be slight edema or swelling that will fade away quickly. Some normal bruising, can be expected, where the injection is administrated.

Q: How long does it last?

A: The results remain for anywhere from 9 to 24 months – it varies from person to person. When the effects wear off, another procedure can be safely performed.

Q: Will it help with the skin rippling that often occurs after breast implants?

A: It will counter loss of volume that many women find after breast implants and smooth out wrinkles.

Q: When will I see the results?

A: There will be a noticeable improvement in the shape and firmness of your breasts immediately after the procedure. Over time the growth factors will steadily increase the volume and firmness of your breasts. You can expect to see the full results of the procedure after about 7 weeks.

Is A Vampire Beast Lift Right For You?

The vampire breast lift is one among many procedures that can be used to improve breast shape and firmness and enhance cleavage. Talk to a board certified cosmetic surgeon who is experienced in the vampire breast lift and other procedures. She will be able to advise you about the pros and cons of the options available so that you can make an informed decision about what is best for you.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Little Known Facts about Botox

With hundreds of thousands of men and women opting for Botox treatment every year to treat skin wrinkles, it has become among the best known of cosmetic procedures. There are innumerable articles, both online and in magazines, about the pros and cons of the treatment; so getting hold of information on skin treatment with Botox is easy. A word of caution – do not believe everything you read. Consult a cosmetic surgeon to learn if you need the treatment and if it is right for you. 

There are, however, some facts about Botox that are generally not known that is Its other functions, besides that of removing wrinkles. Did you know that Botox:
  • Helps to treat excessive sweating? If you suffer from excessive perspiration and the embarrassment it causes, you will probably have tried using antiperspirants. Their effectiveness varies from individual to individual. If you have found they are not helpful, or you are looking for a long lasting solution, Botox may be the answer. When it is injected into the sweat glands under the skin, it blocks the signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands, thereby reducing the out pour of perspiration. The Botoxeffect can last for 7 to 8 months.
  • Helps with chronic pain? Excessive tightening of the muscles is a common cause of chronic pain. A study done in 2012 by the American Society of Anesthesiologists found that when Botox is injected into specific muscles, it blocks the signals from the nerves that cause the muscles to tighten in places like the neck, consequently eliminating pain in the region.
  • Can relieve the symptoms of migraines?Although the reasons for Botox to reduce the pain of migraine headaches is still being debated, the fact that it doesis real. As a matter of fact, FDA in the year 2013 has approved it as treatment for migraines. One theory about why it works is it prevents pain signals from reaching the nerve endings, consequently blocking it from reaching the brain.
  • Is thought to help with depression? Many tests have shown that Botox injections are effective in fighting depression. While the reasons for this, are also still being debated, an article published in the Journal of Psychiatric Research in 2014 found that it “interrupts feedback from the facial musculature to the brain, which may be involved in the development and maintenance of negative emotions.” In other words, a person’s emotions are closely connected to their facial muscles and the expressions they create. When the muscles are relaxed, the connection is disrupted and effects of negative feelings and emotions are reduced.
Science will continue to find new applications for Botox. The fact that it treats various conditions does not mean that it is right for everyone or that its effectiveness can be guaranteed.  Consult a qualified cosmetic surgeon to talk about Botox treatments for skin wrinkles and other conditions. The cosmetologist is the one who will examine and advise you if Botox, or some other treatment, would be best for you.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Male Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction affects half of adult males over the age of 40. Short term and transient performance problems will affect almost every man, but when the issue does not fade away on its own, physical and psychological issues that affect the quality of life may arise. Medication for erectile dysfunction can, in some cases, offer short term relief, but many men want a long term solution to their problem. This is where the Priapus Shot, or P Shot as it is commonly referred to, provides a solution.

What Is The P Shot?

The P Shot uses a Platelet Rich Fibrin Matrix (PRFM), which is drawn from the patient’s own body to improve sexual performance. The process begins with drawing blood, typically from the arm, in a manner similar to a blood test. A special technique is used to drawplatelet rich plasma from the blood. A fine needle is used to inject the PRFM into the penis. A topical numbing agent is first applied to reduce any pain or discomfort felt from the injection. The total procedure typically takes under 30 minutes and patients can return home, once the procedure is completed.

How It Works and What It Does

The PRFM releases growth factors that cause unipotent stem cells to rejuvenate and grow new tissue. Since the procedure uses the patient’s own blood enriched plasma, it is non-allergenic and free of harmful side effects. The benefits of the P Shot include:
  • Increased firmness of erection.
  • Increased penile length and girth.
  • Increased blood flow and circulation, resulting in improved sexual abilities and enhanced stamina.
  • Increased pleasure and sensation.
  • Improved appearance.
Some of these effects become apparent almost immediately after the injection, while others will appear a bit later. The nature and extent of the improvements in penis size and sexual performance will vary from patient to patient. Your doctor will be able to provide you with detailed information on the procedure and the results you can expect.

Who Can Benefit From This Treatment?

The P Shot is designed to offer men a lasting increase in their sexual abilities. In particular, it will benefit those whose sexual abilities have decreased due to hardening of the arteries, diabetes, prostate issues, the after effects of surgery and many other conditions. Your doctor, after a consultation and examination, will inform you, if you are a good candidate for the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the after effects and downtime? There may be some numbness that lasts for about 60 minutes after the procedure and a small amount of bruising that fades away quickly. Patients generally are able to return to work and resume normal activities (including sex) the same day.

What follow up is required?A follow up consultation a few weeks after the procedure is normal.

Will a second P Shot be required? A second treatment is not normally required although some men may opt for one for various reasons.

To know more about the P Shot, what it can do for you and if you are a good candidate, consult a doctor who specializes in sexual dysfunctional issues. The P Shot is not for all men who have sexual performance issues and is not currently FDA approved.

Monday, 29 June 2015

Are You A Candidate For Perineoplasty?

Post childbirth, many women experience loss of muscle tone, torn or improperly healed muscles and scar tissue, in the muscular / vaginal canal, leading to the exterior, in a woman’s body. This causes:
  • Loss of sexual sensation which could lead to psychological issues, consequently impacting sexual satisfaction
  • Laxity and looseness of the vaginal canal 
Perineoplasty (also referred to as perineorraphy) is a minor surgical procedure that restores the muscle tone and tightens the perineum. Therefore, this procedure should be undergone, only once a decision has been made to bear no more children, or else laxity will occur once again, post another birth. Weak vaginal walls impaired by childbirth, cannot be remedied by Perineoplasty.

About the Procedure
  • This is an outpatient surgical procedure
  • Is performed under mild sedation
  • Duration of the procedure is usually under an hour
  • A V-shaped incision is made in the posterior wall of the vagina, with a fractional CO2 pixel laser or an ElimanSurgitron (uses radiofrequency). Existing scar tissue is removed and the bottom layer of the muscles and tissue, are toned and tightened
  • The incision is sutured with soluble sutures
Consult with your gynecologist for more details on the nature of the procedure and the expected results.

How Long Will Recovery Take?
  • As with any surgical procedure, the body will need time to heal
  • Painkillers will be prescribed to overcome any pain or discomfort that may be experienced
  • Soaking in warm water and Sitz baths, a few times a day, will help to ease any discomfort
  • Post-surgery, during the first week, activities are limited, due to post procedure swelling and tenderness
  • Vigorous physical activity can normally be resumed after about two weeks or when there is no discomfort. The time varies from patient to patient. Women involved in sedentary office work, will normally be able to return to work, after a week. If your occupation involves any physical activities your doctor will be able to advise you, when you may be able to resume work
  • Abstinence from sexual activity for about six weeks is normally advised
  • Regular and ongoing kegel exercise is recommended to enhance the functioning of the vaginal walls 

What Are The Risks?

There will only be, the normal risks of bleeding, infection, bruising and temporary scarring that accompany all surgical procedures. Your surgeon will brief you about any possible issues and how they will be dealt with, if they should occur.

Do you qualify for a Perineoplasty Procedure?

Yes, you will, if you:
  • Have had a normal delivery (given birth vaginally)
  • Are experiencing looseness or itching in your vaginal canal
  • Are experiencing decreased sexual sensation
  • Have any changes in your bowel habits

Women need not necessarily have experienced childbirth to have vaginal flatus or decreased sexual satisfaction. Excess weight and the pressure, can sometimes overstretch and damage the structure of the perineum, leading to a feeling of looseness and laxity.

Monday, 25 May 2015

DermaSweep the New Age Skin Rejuvenator

DermaSweep is the latest development in the field of skin rejuvenation. DermaSweep offers a greater degree of exfoliation because it gently lifts the surface of the skin as it sweeps away the layers of dead skin. This increases blood flow, which results in improved collagen formation, and firmer and more toned skin. In addition, the enhanced exfoliation, works to polish the skin and improve its glow. DermaSweep works with a range of customized products to offer better results than other similar techniques. It is safe to use it on sensitive skins and on skin conditions like rosacea. This is an advanced medical grade procedure and is available only to, licensed doctors and licensed aestheticians. 

Type of Skin Conditions  DermaSweep Treats

DermaSweep is customizable so it can safely and effectively be used on all types of skins, ranging from the most fragile to the most resilient. The treatment is customized depending on the skin type and the specific condition to be treated.  These conditions include:

  • Wrinkles, crow’s feet, fine lines and other age related skin conditions
  • Skin that has suffered damage due to sun exposure
  • Acne
  • Stretch marks
  • Regular brown patches and age spots – Hyperpigmentation
  • Irregular brown patches – Melisma
  • Uneven skin texture
  • Surgical and other scars

When Do You See Results?

A DermaSweep treatment takes about 45 minutes. You will see the results, in terms of a clearer complexion, fewer lines and stretch marks and fewer blemishes after the first session. The normal course of the complete treatment, runs from 4 to 6 sessions, with intervals of 10 to 14 days. There will be a continued, significant and visible improvement, after each session. You will be given a daily post treatment routine to follow, through the duration of the treatment to enhance its effectiveness.

Side Effects

For all practical purposes there are none. You will be able to have the treatment done at any convenient time during the day and return to your normal activities immediately thereafter. You could even have the procedure done during your lunch break. You may feel a slight tingling after the exfoliation is done. You skin will feel smoother than before and there will be no soreness or redness that will be visible. 

Special Treatments

Along with the highly effective microdermabrasion, DermaSweep can also be combined with the delivery of specific topical solutions to treat a range of skin conditions. These include:

  • Hyperpigmentation – DermaSweep exfoliation is combined with a skin brightening solution containing kojic acid, azelaic acid and hydroquinone to remove excess and uneven pigmentation of the skin.
  • Acne – This is often treated with salicylic acid solution. When it is combined with the DermaSweep process, the solution is able to enter the clogged pores of the skin more effectively and the improvement on the acne treatment is significant.
  • Dehydrated skin – DermaSweep is combined with hyaluronic acid with added aloe vera and chamomile to hydrate the skin most effectively.
  • Chemical Peel Infusion – Combining DermaSweep with tested chemical peel agents, results in the microdermabrasion becoming even more potent in treating pigmentation issues and aiding skin rejuvenation.
DermaSweep is one of many cosmetic and rejuvenation procedures that are available. Before making any decisions on what you should opt for, it is important to obtain the advice of an expert who will be able to analyse the nature of your skin, the conditions that affect it and decide on what treatment will produce the best results. If you want to know more about this or the other options available to you contact a doctor that specializes in this field and offers a wide range of skin treatment and rejuvenation services. That will ensure that you get both the best guidance and the ability to choose the technique that is best for you.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Exilis and Thermage – How They Are Different

Among the two most popular and widely used systems of wrinkle reduction and reshaping of targeted fat deposits are Exilis and Thermage. To be able to make the right choice in what is right for you, you need to know what they both involve and the kind of results you can expect. While they may appear to be similar at first glance, there are differences that enhance one procedure over the other.


Thermage is a non-surgical procedure that uses radio frequency energy to stimulate the collagen in your body. The procedure causes the area of application to contract, resulting in tighter and firmer skin. The treatment is done using a hand held device that is applied to the skin surface. The device emits the radio frequency energy that penetrates the surface of the skin to reach the collagen deposits underneath. Although the system works to cool the top layer of skin while delivering heat to the lower layers, you will feel varying sensations of heat while the treatment is in progress. The procedure typically lasts from 45 to 90 minutes, depending on the part of the body being treated.

The drawback with Thermage is that it does not work on wrinkles and deep lines.  On the positive side, it can be used on darker skin tones, unlike Intense Pulsed Light and Laser Resurfacing. It also works on lighter skin.

Thermage treatment does not require any down time and you should be able to resume all you normal activities immediately after the procedure is completed. In some cases, there may be mild transient redness which will disappear in a short time. Post treatment exercise and regular hydration is necessary to maximize the results.


Exilis is an FDA approved procedure that also uses radio frequency energy to tighten skin on any part of the face or body. Exilis uses radio waves to safely target fat cells. This thermal energy strengthens and stimulates the collagen to improve laxity and texture. The simultaneous cooling action of Exilis allows for the deep layers in the tissue to be treated. This, along with the sophisticated monitoring system, ensures that you will be comfortable and relaxed while the treatment is underway.

There is no downtime after the procedure and you will be able to resume all your activities once it is over.  Here too, exercise and hydration will maximize the benefits of the treatment.


The main differences between Thermage and Exilis are:

  • Thermage applies the energy in a pulsed form, so that each pulse applies a large amount of heat. Exilis delivers the heat continuously and builds it up gradually.
  • Thermage treatment takes about 45 to 90 minutes. Each Exilis treatment requires about 30 minutes.
  • Thermage is effective on the face and smaller body areas. Exilis is effective on not just the face but on all parts of the body, including the arms, legs, thighs, abdomen, chest and neck.
  • The Exilis treatment is more tolerable and is less inexpensive in comparison to Thermage.
  • It is cost effective as maintenance is much easier after an Exilis treatment.

Making a Choice

If you need to decide upon the type of treatment you need to undergo, then consulting an experienced doctor, would be advisable, as the doctor can guide you after taking into consideration the various aspects of your requirements and the apt treatment that will provide optimum results.

Doctor Speak

From many reviews, many doctors who have used Thermage, both the old and new devices and despite the great marketing support from the Thermage Company itself, many doctors have graduated into using the Exilis process, as it is longer lasting, is very comfortable on the patient, has better maintenance outcomes and is less expensive.